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MSPL #3 February 8-9 Schedule

All matches played at 501 Volley

No outside chairs

Admission is $5 per person, per day
Children under 10 Free

Functional Training

Volleyball Specific Functional Training

Monday and Thursday
(All of February)
All ages welcome

501 Volley team members ONLY 

Led by  Coach Alexa Heard, a former collegiate volleyball player and Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach. 

To sign up, select the link for the date you can attend. Athletes must pay prior to each session.

2025 Boys Spring Volleyball League

League Format

  • Each team will have one practice per week, and one competition session per week.

    • Practice Format: During practices, 501 Volley staff will facilitate each team’s practice.

  • Competition format will be 4v4 and/or 6v6.

Age Divisions: There will be a minimum of 3 teams per age division in order for the league round to be made.

  • Elementary: 4th, 5th, 6th graders

  • Junior High: 7th, 8th, 9th graders

  • High School: 10th, 11th, 12th graders


Round 1 Schedule (mid April-mid May)

  • Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 1st

  • Session will be completed by May 19th

Round 2 Schedule (mid July-early August)

  • Registration Deadline: Tuesday, July 1st 

Team Formation:  Each team can have a minimum of 6 players and maximum of 12 players per team. Recommend that players are from the same school.

Free Agent Players: players that do not have a “team” formed, can sign up as a free agent. 501 Volley will group “free agent” players together to form a team, or find an appropriate team for them to join.

Parent volunteer/manager:  We need one parent volunteer to “manage” the team, as in make sure players are aware of practice times, etc. 501 Volley coaches will provide coaching for all teams during practices and competitions. 

Entry Fee: 

  • Team Member Fee: $50 per player

  • Please submit one payment per team; Payment made by cash or check to 501 Volley

  • Free Agent Fee: $50

    •  Payment made by cash or check to 501 Volley

Registration: Only one team entry form needs to be turned in per team. You will need to pay offline for each team, in one lump sum. Please include the team roster form with team payment. You can email or mail this form.  Payment for the team is due by the registration deadline. Entry fees and waivers can be mailed to 501 Volley, 4107 Richards Road, North Little Rock, AR 72217. To sign up as a free agent player complete the below link.

2025 Summmer Camps and Clninics

Summer/Fall Youth League

Round 1 Schedule (mid July-mid August)

  • Wednesday Evening Practices:7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30

    • Practice times: 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, or 7:00 

    • Teams will be able to note practice time preference

  • Friday Evening League Games: 7/11, 7/19, 7/25, 8/1

  • Game times: 5:00, 5:45, 6:30, 7:15  

    • Teams will play 1-2 matches per league play date

  • Registration Deadline: Wednesday, July 2nd

Round 2 Schedule (September)

  • Wednesday Evening Practices: 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24

    • Practice times: 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, or 7:00 

    • Teams will be able to note practice time preference

  • Sunday Afternoon League Games: 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28

  • Game times: 2:00, 2:45, 3:30, 4:15

    • Teams will play 1-2 matches per league play date

  • Registration Deadline: Wednesday,  August 28th

Free Agent Player Registration

Team Registration

College Coaches Camps

When: Three camps to choose from

  • Southern Division 1 Universities: Monday, June 2nd

  • Arkansas Division 1 Universities: Monday, June 9th

  • Arkansas Division 2 and 3 Universities: Sunday, July 20th

Who: 8th-12th Grade girls with previous volleyball experience

How to register: go to

Cost: $150 per player

Time: 9AM-12PM and 1PM-4PM

Indoor & Beach Practice Location

501 Volley Facility
4107 Richards Road
North Little Rock, AR 72117

17.1 Team 2024 National Champions!

17.1 USAV Liberty Division National ChampionsTop row from left to right: Coach Jason Lambert, Coach Eric Everson, Parker Stearns, Journey Peppers, Gracie Brown, Madison Crum, Madison Derden Bottom row from left to right: Lauren Latham, Breanna Williamson,

After securing their USA Volleyball Liberty Division bid with an undefeated tournament win at the Music City Qualifier in New Orleans in March, the team faced mutliple injuries and a depleting roster size.  In June, the team was able to practice in full strength again with their full roster healthy.  This team owned their goals and identity, and played their best 4 days of volleyball yet over the course of USAV Nationals, finishing with a 9-1 record and the first place finish. This is the first national championship in any age and any division for a team from central Arkansas! Rachel Jackson and Parker Stearns earned all tournament honors, and Addie Fielder was named the tournament MVP. This team finished the season ranked 39th out of all USAV 17s teams!

Congrats to our College Commits!

2025 Class 
Abby LeMay- University of Mary (D2)
Addie Fielder- Liberty University (D1)
Berkely Berry- Henderson State University (D2)
Cassidy King- Frontier Community College (JUCO)
Chloe Rodriguez- Northwest Mississippi College (JUCO)
Emerson Traylor- Louisiana Tech University (D1)
Gabriella Bozzay- Uniiversity of the Ozarks (D3)
Gracie Brown- Southeastern Louisiana University (D1)
Izzie Crane- Shorter University (D2)
Journey Peppers- University of Arkansas (D1)
Lauren Latham-  Kansas State University (D1)
Madison Crum- Missouri State University (D1)
Madison  Derden- Blue Mountain College (NAIA)
Madison Howard- Henderson State University (D2)
Parker Stearns- Arkansas State University (D1)
Rachel Jackson- Arkansas State University (D1)
Ryan Rusher-Louisiana Tech University (D1)
Sofia Santis- Lyons College (D3)
Tammara Gooseberry- Henderson State University (D2)

To see a full list of our past college commitments, visit the Alumni page under the Information Tab!